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This is the gameplay of COIN MASTER Village 7. This game was developed by MOON ACTIVE. Coin master Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1PYj8Nbzrs&list. Guest Answered: Viking is from village 50. Search for more answers for Coin Master or ask your own here. We have similar questions to this one that may have more answers for you: Show all. What happens to the cards that you win but you can't use them cuz you have not unlocked.
Coin Master Viking Quest:
Coin Master has many events in which the game provides an opportunity for players to secure big wins and exciting rewards. The Viking Quest is one of them. Viking Quest is an excellent opportunity for players to win free spins and coins, XP, pet food, pet potions, and a rare golden card.
The Coin Master daily links will save you some money. Beside the Coin Master hack it is a great method for more coins. We highly recommend you to take advantage of the Coin Master rewards. If you are on a higher level you will need as many spins and coins as possible. Make sure to check our website every single day to get daily rewards for Coin. Coin Master All Village Cost List – There are more than 300 villages on Coin Master. The costs or prices for each village vary. The higher your level, the more expensive it will take to complete a village. Need coins or free spins to build your village faster? Please check our daily update Coin Master.
Viking Quest is one of the most anticipated events because it brings many exciting rewards with itself. And as an additional bonus, the coins you win in the event will be raid free for three minutes, just like a ghost mode, where you have the advantage of not getting looted by a friend for a while.
Boom Level Coin Masters
Some of you already know how to play Viking Quest, so without wasting any more time, lets jump on to the Viking Quest Tips and Tricks. So hang on with us to explore all Viking Quest tips and tricks we have collected for you.
Coin Master Viking Quest Tips and Tricks
1. Play Cool At First
Viking Quest is an exciting event that showers a billion coins over a user, along with many other bonuses. But, to win billions of coins from the Viking Quest, you must have billions of coins stacked for yourself. Then only you will be able to get some success in the Viking Quest.
Once you have coins around 5-7 billion, you all set for the event. We have mentioned some tips and tricks for the Viking quest that will help to win more Coins and other exciting prizes from the event. If you follow these tips carefully, this will reduce your chances of losing a single penny in coin master.
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Play cool and clam at the beginning as this will let you win coins before the storm comes. Collect the coins from the bonus wheel in the first five levels because it is level 6 from where the real quest starts.
2. Bring bet back and forth during the event
You have to bet carefully during the event period. Betting blindly during the event will cost you losing your coins rather them gaining them. So, here are some tips that you can follow,
When you reach level 6, try betting with the lowest number first and after the first spin, raise your bet.
For example:
If you are betting with the 2,000,000 coins, then raise your bet to the 7,000,000 coins and do 20 spins with this bet. After that, increase your bet to the highest amount to do 10 spins with that.
By following this method, you will get many big and exciting rewards.
3. Slot machine and Bonus wheel trick
So if your constantly betting, not getting any good result, then we have some tips and tricks that you can use to get a great result.
Is Coin Master Free
Note: This trick has worked for many players, but we cannot guarantee that this will work 100% because the coin master algorithm keeps changing.
So if you’re not getting any good result after frequently betting in the coin master, then go to the slot machine and use one spin and return to the bonus wheel. Now, set your bet to the medium and start betting.
When you win four or five bonuses, raise your bet to the highest and start spinning; after every one or two spins, you are surely going to win big.
Relevant Read:
Download: Coin Master
What is the minimum level requirement to play Viking Quest in Coin Master?
Any player having minimum village level 50 or above can participate in a Viking Quest.
Viking Quest Rewards?
Viking Quest is an event in a coin master where the user can win lots of free spins and coins, pet potion, chests, pets food, and Rare and golden card.
How to Coin Master on PC?
Coin Master is currently only available for android and ios. But you can play Coin Master on pc using the android emulator.
Coin Master 400 Spin and 800 Spin Link is it possible?

I have seen many people searching for the coin master 400 and 800 spin link. But sadly there are no such free spin links exist. The maximum reward you can get from free spin is between 70 to 100.
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Coin Master free spins – daily links | Pocket Tactics
2 days ago · Watch video ads. You can get a limited number of Coin Master free spins per day by watching a video ad. Simply scroll to the slot machine and tap on the spin energy button on the bottom right. If it’s not there, you’ve run out of free spins you can get through this method for the day, but if it is, simply tap on it and you’ll watch an ad.
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What Level Coin Master Foxy Is 100%
The links you find on this page are all issued by Coin Master. These free spins are collected from their official social media and e-mail channels. So, you know they are real.You can follow the official Coin Master Channels like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and their e-mails, but it is more easy to just visit this website on a daily basis.
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